Saturday, July 7

My Qualm With The Terabyte

A terabyte is 1,000 GB. So why isn't it called "kilobyte" or "kirabyte"? With a little online research I've found that "tera" comes from the greek root which means "monster." And we all must agree - 1,000 GB is kind of like a little monster. But I still think the 1,000 GB should be rocked with the standardized "kilo" root.

Friday, July 6

The iPhone My Way.

I must respond to a rather hater-oriented post about the iPhone I read earlier this week by a non believer (aka Cal). Now that 3 of 12 people in my office have them, I'm beginning to get serious apple green envy every time they whip them out to change a song or answer a call. I still push the buttons on my Gen 2 ipod and think I've mastered the technology universe because last week I figured out how to coordinate my mobile's bluetooth (which is one word by the way - who new!?) with my PowerBook G4.

My iPhone extras:
iBreathalyzer - this device plugs into the audio jack and if you don't pass the breath test the screen begins to flash red, while simultaniously bringing up a list of contacts from your friends folder. You can then call them and get a ride.
iGasm - Some type of extra which vibrates in an array of dildo shapes and textures. Oh wait - here and here if over 18.
iTweezer - little tweezer fingers eject from the iPhone, viciously clipping like wee crab claws. When put near my eye brows, they go to town so I don't have to!

And if all this isn't cool enough for you - check out what you can do with the iPhone's sim card! This Cnet Tv is awesome!

Thursday, July 5

Babies & Facebook

Facebook accounts have a section where a member may edit their status. Buffalo Bill would write "I'm about to shoot down a large heard" or Osama may update his account with "I'm plotting to kill more innocent people." What did I write?

My facebook account currently reads "C****** is pregnant!" I can't wait to see what type of hub bub this creates! I can see my mother in 6 months bumping into some high school alum's mom at the grocery store who will ask "Has your daughter had her baby yet?" I'll keep you posted.

This leads me to two interesting articles I've read this past week. While both cover social and class issues in America and the greater world, the first focuses on the two most popular internet based social newtowrking sites: Myspace vs Facebook . Apparently, facebook is for the yuppie, college bound, "good kid" crowd, while myspace is more urban, non-educated, artistically expressive, and alternative in a sex pervert type of way. Obviously there are many exceptions to both sides, I don't have a myspace account but certainly do know a couple of idiots on facebook.

I found the second article today while trying to look up what month the most babies are born in on average (we interns were guessing) over the past 20 years. It's from the Christian Science Monitor back in October 2004, and investigates adoption in America - the "importation" of foreign babies into American homes while "exporting" black babies primarily to Europe. The article suggests racism factors within America have, for many years, kept white wealthy families from being interested in adopting black children. Luckily people are evolving and this is becoming less and less the case, but for many years black babies up for adoption have been sent off to Europe and Canada where people are supposedly more color blind and accepting.

Please read both articles, they're very interesting. Especially if you have a preference to myspace of facebook, or if you're erm...adopting? Although I doubt the subjects would overlap.

Wednesday, July 4

Kitty Litter

In the dark corners of my house lies a box. A plastic, mauve colored, close lidded box with a wee hatch and sort of welcome mat - large, blue, paw shaped, texturized, rubber mat with a smiling cartoon cat in the center. Within this box little sandy bits from brands whose names could easily be mistaken for old person nappies like "Doo Doo Voo Doo," "Ever Clean," or Harvest Ventures' award winning crystal technology backed "Pearl." This special container is - The Litter Box.

When strolling the aisles of Petco for your litter box's key ingredient there are options to fit every character. Among the multitude are clay based brands including the popular Tidy Cat which clump your kitty's poo and pee pee together, crystalizing brands such as Pearl suck out odors and brown colors from the droppings to add a fossilized look to your little one's dropping, and for the environmentally conscious cat guardian - natural biodegradable litter mixtures.

My house has stood by the clay based Ever Clean Extra Strength Premium for years, very high quality clumping. Today, while sifting through the Sahara like sands with my little sifter, the clumped bits just kept coming. The process normally reminds me of that movie The Mummy, but today I was more like Charlize Theoron in North Country. In 1.5 wks, my cats had created boulders I had to use a screw driver to de-earth from the quarry that is their litter box.

Each cat weighs about 10lb, and in this time slot they created 5.8 lb of clayed up feces! Yes, I measured it on my Dad's fancy sport scale (oh the joys of living at home!). This is a body weight:poo/pee ratio of 10lb:2.9lb! If that were me, an average weighing human of 145 lb (see June 25: Women's Weight, How I Measure), that would mean dropping 42.05 lb in the toilet over 10 days, or 4.2 lb a day!

And what is it with the clips on the side of a litter box? Are cats typically the type to get rowdy when they have a big one to push out? I can see it now - growls echoing through the basement, litter spewing from the little entrance hole, a scent so deadly it suffocates everyone in the neighborhood going about their daily lives like those people in Pompeii. Then the cat goes about spreading Pearl over us.

Anyways, those are my thoughts.

Tuesday, July 3

Healthy Eating Ist Try

Last night I noticed I've got some serious arm fat. No, I am not fat, I don't think I'm fat, I never have. But I remembered this writer in NY Mag who gave up all processed foods for a month and loss a couple. She wouldn't eat breads, any type of cracker, or apple sauce (they put sugar in it! - gasp!). So I was thinking hey - I could do that. It'd be a great health exercise for me.

I announced my plans at dinner. As I ate cheese ravioli. So then I decided to begin after dinner. I shared a peach with my dad. But then I was watching TV in the kitchen and something metalic kept glittering up at me. The light was practically blinding so I had to remove it from my view. Upon pulling it away, brownies were revealed! Little chocolate nubbins all crumbly and dark. When I picked one up to inspect it the saturated fat oils which had seaped out gleamed up at me from mom's ceramic Pottery Barn plate. Needless to say, I ate one. or two. perhaps four.

Pregnancy Tests & School Books

Today in marketing I learned about a pregnancy test manufacturer. In a drug store, one may find baby tests in 2 places - 1) next to the condoms and 2) next to the feminine hygiene/baby stuff. This company made 2 packages for the two sections with two prices, but identical product. Condom section packages were deep red, bold letters, named "Quick View." Women's Hygiene packages were cute pink boxes with a flower, named "Conceive."

I suppose the women who are planning to be mothers will be purchasing from the area #2, while petrified college students and singletons will be rushing for aisle #1. Which do you think cost more? (Answer at the bottom)

Today after class I needed to purchase a text packet that had been out of stock last week. Turns out 3 other students migrated to the same bookshelf in the uni bookstore. As we all looked at the pathetically thin $21.95 packets wrapped in celofane of some sort I said "Do you guys each want to chip in $5 and we can go photocopy one of these packets for the other 3?"

It's like the world stopped, they all looked at as if I'd said "Let's use the materials of this packet as paper mache strips and wrap them about our reproductive areas! While they dry, we can sit on on a hippo and levitate grains of rice!" Then the nervous looks said little "no's" and they walked to the cashier.

How fucked up is that? I just proposed saving considerable cash to 3 people and NONE of them were interested. One is this girl from Mexico who just graduated uni there, so perhaps she didn't understand my English, one kid was from Williams so perhaps he's just a snob, and the other one ... I dunno really. Perhaps I'm just uber cheap for wanting to save some cash on text books, but that doesn't sound too radical to me.

Answer: The women's hygiene cost $9.99, the condom section cost $4.99 . This is because the women wanting to be pregnant are (probably) financially established and think investing in a "good" pregnancy test means getting the best for their future offspring. The Condom sectioners are more likely to take a bargain brand. Please note: this was in 1994, and since then - pregnancy test costs have gone way up.

Sunday, July 1

Security Levels

As we all know, London and G-Lo have been terrorist targets this past week. So the UK has raised their security threat level to critical, which is the highest on their scale of 5.

In America, we too have a threat level system with 5 levels. But when things go wrong and some extremist tries to blow something up we don't have a critical problem, we have an ORANGE problem or a RED problem. Think about that. We are so stupid as a general population that we're running our country's security operation like a paint by numbers exercise.

Level = America's Label = UK Labels (according to Cal)
1* = red = critical
2 = orange = severe
3 = yellow = danger
4 = blue = boring
5 = green = who gives a shit
*apparently there is a 0th/-1st level in Scotland called "G-Lo city center Saturday night

The president spilled his milk again - ORANGE! A rape joke was made using Condoleza Rice - RED! Millions of people are living below the poverty line in New Orleans without employment opportunities and rising crime - green! Our social security will run out in 25 years - blue!


Yesterday on Central Park's Summer Stage Ozomatli was performing! Not only am I slightly obsessed with them, but the show was for free! I met Tessa outside the park (after waiting for an E train for 30 bloody minutes), and we walked in together. The temperature was a perfect 75 f, t'was sunny, and the park security people were giving out little hand waving fans. That's how you know it'll be a friendly atmosphere, the people with black leather security belts and walk talkies are organizing the bathroom line and handing out little placards on sticks.

I bought me and Tessa a round and we sat on the green mat, some imitation of grass, and talked till they came on at 5pm. For those of you who don't know - Ozo are an eclectic mix of latino music, rap, rock, and soul - so the band has to mix in a white guy or two, sprinkle some hispanics, throw up a black guy - add dread locks to him so the hippies will come, but make sure he can rap so the ghetto crowd can identify - and as if that wasn't enough, lets have a Hawaiin playing the ukulele for kicks! Needless to say, they sound great and have quite a range in their songs - my favorite is After Party - you should go download it. So me and Tess sipped out beers, danced around with everyone else (would NEVER happen in the UK - they looked like pissed off sitting ducks at the Gipsy Kings concert me and Cal went to), and the light scent of pot gave the grove a homey vibe.