I've taken a bunch of pics this month on my phone, but failed to upload. Here are some highlights.

This art is dog scratches on paper. It's apparently famous and worth $$$$, residing in a lawyer's entryway.

My clothing supply in NJ is limited because most of my closet is in fidi with me, but I did pull out some toe socks when i was last home for my birthday.

These doors in the west village are the 2nd love of my life. they're huge, I'm guessing 12' tall, perhaps you can see the "mini" door (like cathedrals have) on the third panel to the left.

Me, eating a cupcake on the west side highway as runners jog past. I swear God put them there to make me feel guilty. I finished the entire cupcake, at least it was vegan.

Police ponies in east china town fenced in area.

Amazing poster store on Chambers st with tons of origional old movie& theatre posters for a cool $500 and up. Worthy note - the gallerina isn't a bitch!

One of those floraly trees (cherry tree?) in Tribeca. I love walking under them. My favorite spot is along Cole's Sports Center at Mercer and Bleeker.
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