Hodgepodge (noun):
1 - a motley assortment of things
2 - a theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas
3 - a jumble, patchwork
Wednesday, December 19
My Boyfriend
My boyfriend is extremely romantic. He sends me flowers, cute cards, and wishes me luck before every big test, meeting, whatever. I am so very fortunate.Here is his xmass card. Complete with little westie dogs. I have a little obsession with westies, and poodles, so it was crazy that yesterday while searching the internet I found this:
Behold, the Westie Poo. Half westie, half poodle, the best of both worlds.
I'm a woman, uni student, slight humorist (or perhaps i just hang around charitable people who laugh at what i say), traveler, curious person here in nyc.
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