Wednesday, January 16

Ed, My Palm Tree

Some of you may remember Ed, my palm tree. He first came home from Ikea living in a pot I fashioned out of a black plastic Ikea trash bin in September 07.

I decided he needed more space, so me and my roommate Steeners went up to Kmart at Cooper Union and bought some cheap potting soil and a real (plastic, China made) pot with a dish thing to catch the water. (In the trash bin pot, Ed just dripped from the thin plastic container he came in, into the bottom of the bin, hence a collection of soiled water built up in the bottom).

I don't know what I'm more proud of, his growth, or that I transfered him into his new pot without any help. Ed in Sept 07 on left, Ed today on right.

1 comment:

Eddie said...

I guess I'm honored that you think that highly of me to name a tree after me..

Thx, Ed your Friendly Recruiter