Sunday, October 14

Indians, those Crazy Party People

I've occasionally thought "damn, i wish i was a minority of some sort". In high school the running joke was that i was asian b/c my best friend is (shout out to Rita!), but I look very, very white. But I don't want to be Asian - I want to be South East Asian b/c when i walked out of my apartment and over to Water Street this evening - there was a 3 block long crazy-ass indian fest.

Tons of loud music (I'd been hearing it all day) and a DJ saying things like "Where are my Punjabi's at?" The food was to die for (reason 1) - my grandma makes a dish called "Mexican Holiday" with frito chips covered in beef baked beans & vegies; I had "Indian Holiday" tonight - and it was all vegetarian (reason 2)! Something like sweat potatoes over a mashed up fritter of some sort, with a white custard sauce, a thin brown sauce, and little crunchy bits on top. Plus, as we all know from Bollywood movies (reason 3) & weddings, they love to party (reason 4).

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