The point of me leaving my hole in the sky was to go grocery shopping. For I have a new mission after reading a book called The Skinny Bitch - no more meat or dairy. Some would call this vegan, but that sounds so stuffy and all natural and quite frankly, I don't have the patience for those hippies & their all natural philosophies. I just don't want to see any more animals get killed off on my dime or abused. Hence, I am kicking "rotting flesh" as the book calls it, out of my diet. I even gave Steeners the rest of my skim milk and Life Cinnamon cerial.

I purchased all organic, whole grain, and soy products. And yes, it was as much fun shopping for them as it was stacking them for this photo. I was surprised at how hard it is to find organic jam - but this one is in a berry blend, very excited to try it. I was struck with the variety of
Amy's Kitchen organic products - i bought five cans of soups and chilli (vegetarian, of course) - any they're kind of expensive at $3/pop. And I didn't manage to get my tofu into the picture but it's sleeping in my fridge tonight, two chunks of it for $1. I like tofu, but have never cooked it myself (exciting thigns to look forward to this week).
You will note the erm, center piece is ah ice cream of sorts. I am most skeptical of this product, don't know what to make out of it yet - but will get back to you. Historically, i have a huge downfall for my amigos Ben and Jerry.

One funny thing was the
Luna Bar, which (if you can see in the pic, top half of yellow circle) is 70% organic. WTF? So 30% of it isn't organic? But almost the entire ingredients section rants on with an "organic" in front of everything (organic toasted oats, organic soy flour). I don't get it.
And I don't care if their log line is "The Whole Nutrition Bar
for Women", with the
for in italics; these guys taste great and I recommend them to all. Especially because they have a little layer of icing on the top made from soy butter (how do they do that?). Be ware - the yummy Lemon Zest flavor in a bright yellow wrapping can easily be confused with the nasty tasting Dulce Leche in a mustard yellow wrapping.
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