Wednesday, October 17


My head really hurts and I've had the worst day. Quite possibly of my whole life.

Also, I over heard a person today who was "back stabbing" me as the Mean Girls would say. Honestly, there are such idiots in NYC - a tip: if you're going to talk about someone, make sure they aren't in your ear shot.

I also have officially decided that jouranlism students are the most useless bunch of people. ALL they do is talk about the ethics of journalism in a circle of conversation that spirals on an on. Also, in this web 2.0 world we don't need half as many of them - we have bloggers (not me, professional ones) who report important information that can be read in minutes, not the next morning. I also don't like how important they think they are, like, fighting for this crazy ass noble cause when in fact they all work for biased media entities anyways.

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