Tuesday, July 3

Healthy Eating Ist Try

Last night I noticed I've got some serious arm fat. No, I am not fat, I don't think I'm fat, I never have. But I remembered this writer in NY Mag who gave up all processed foods for a month and loss a couple. She wouldn't eat breads, any type of cracker, or apple sauce (they put sugar in it! - gasp!). So I was thinking hey - I could do that. It'd be a great health exercise for me.

I announced my plans at dinner. As I ate cheese ravioli. So then I decided to begin after dinner. I shared a peach with my dad. But then I was watching TV in the kitchen and something metalic kept glittering up at me. The light was practically blinding so I had to remove it from my view. Upon pulling it away, brownies were revealed! Little chocolate nubbins all crumbly and dark. When I picked one up to inspect it the saturated fat oils which had seaped out gleamed up at me from mom's ceramic Pottery Barn plate. Needless to say, I ate one. or two. perhaps four.

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