Tuesday, August 7

Designer Shades

Given the choice of rant or rave, today I pick rant. About those girls who wear GIANT sunglasses. With GIANT designer labels on the sides. And as if that isn’t enough, they wear them on the subway. For those of you who have not been on the NYC subway – let me tell you a little something about it – 90% of the Manhattan subway system is underground, in the dark.

Dear Girl on the W Train with Chanel Sunglasses,
My problems with your glasses are three fold. First, they look ridiculous; unless you have a passion for bloated, mildly retarded bumble bees, your eyes do not need a 3” x 2” tinted lense on each of them. Second, the giant labels. Come on now hunny, you paid at least $300 to have the word “Valentino” or “YSL” plastered to the side of your eye; for half that I’ll find you a great tattoo artist who can do the same thing. Third, plastic is a cheap material to produce, and I doubt those lenses are perspcription so I’m gonna guess the cost to produce is $10 max with a 50% distribution cost from China.

I think what really bothers me is that the girl with the $300 Chanel sunglasses riding my W train is that chances are - she isn’t the same woman who’s wearing the $10,000 gown. If you can’t afford the clothes (that’s me too!), why are you wasting your time plastering the label on your face? You're an insult to high fashion, buying into a marketing scheme you can't actually own with authority. That's like me buying a Porsche key ring for my Civic because I like the Carrera GT. Pathetic right?

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