Sunday, February 3

Eating Meat=Driving SUV

I have decided I am not opposed to eating meat. It's the way we treat and kill it, and the huge quantities at which we consume it in America that I find disturbing. I could go research all these scary facts about what cow farts do to the atmosphere, but I rather let the Human Society of the US show you how animals are treated. Other interesting videos: where fur trim comes from (dogs/cats in Asia), puppy mills in Virginia expose or Paris Hilton's pet history.

Second, I've decided I will open an animal sanctuary when I have the time/space/$. Yes, that's a sanctuary for cows, pigs, goats, sheep, the whole 9 yards. And lots of chickens. It would be a bit like the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary where you can visit and meet the animals! I will start small because luckily, pigs come in mini sizes. I was thinking of naming him Bubbles or her Periwinkle.

So in the spirit of sustainable agriculture and eating meat that lived a happy life in a pasture and was killed in a relatively humane way (not neck stabbed like horses are in Mexico/Canada), I recommend finding local farms on this site,

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