Tuesday, January 22

My Gym Fear

So I've started going to Gold's and must admit, it's a bit fun. I love that I get my own TV on my cardio machine, and that the locker room looks fancy and has offers up free Q-Tips. The people who work there are also really friendly.

Right now, I'm working on my fear of the weight room. I've signed up for a couple sessions with dear Diana, and she's taught me how to use a bunch of the free weights in ways that make me look slightly less like an idiot. Yup, I'm in there with the big boys (and some girls) lifting huge weights, leaving a trail of machines on the "15 lb" level; it's like my "the pirate was here" mark.

My personal goal is to do 1 hr or 500 calories burned (whichever comes first, or a class) at least 5 times a week. I did it last week, and I'm on my way to doing it again this one.

Also, I love watching Bravo reruns as I sweat; the Real House Wives of Orange County are my work-out gal pals.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am proud of your mighty goal to hit the gym 5x a week. Things will change quickly if you actually stay to the goal. You inspire me.