Tuesday, March 25

Dossing Around SMALLEST apt EVER

Today I did well, very little. I enjoyed my day of screwing off by
1) watching a movie
2) doing weights at the gym for almost 2 hours with Venice
3) playing with evite backgrounds

Stuff I got done:
1) Picked up my shoes from the shoe man
2) Got a check for my UK work visa from my bank
3) Figured out how to complete my Anime paper due next Friday

4) Visited Alex Moo's new apt! And helped him with editing cover letters. He is now living on West 14th St, great location. Watch the video tour! And take notes B&Ters - this is how hard core NYers do it. (please note: I'm way not hard core)

No, it does not have a kitchen but it does have a hot plate. No, it does not have a private bathroom, but it does have a 3rd floor toilet that gets cleaned for him. No, it doesn't have the internet, but there are plenty of wireless signals around. No, it does not have any outside space, but it does have roof access where people throw their old mattresses.

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