Wednesday, June 20

Guy and His Girlfriend

I have a problem with Guy. For the wonderful person he is, he continues to announce private stories regarding his girlfriend to all of us. Here are a couple, I will continue to add from now on.

1) Girlfriend was so cute, instead of turning off the alarm the other morning, she cupped her hands over his ear.

2) Girlfriend was awesome last night. While Guy was in the shower she said "I don't know if I need to puke or shit." Girlfriend proceeded to bend over toilet, but changed her mind and ended up taking a huge shit. "Isn't that awesome!?" Guy exclaimed.

3) Today's...Girlfriend had a huge zit above her upper lip last night, between her nose, right where it hurts. But today when she woke up it looked (in Guy's opinion) even worse this morning. So he popped it for her, but it turns out her's wasn't ready to get pushed out.

Stay tuned! The adorable stories of Girlfriend keep getting better.

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