Friday, June 22

Golf Balls and Lois Lane

Two thoughts from the evening...

1. Where do televised golf shows find the camera person who follows the ball through the air? I've got to admit, I think that person has a serious skill. I know I couldn't follow it. Such a small bit, flying through the air. And what about when it's against a cloudy background? Very difficult.

2. Why is that in stories, characters can be such idiots when it comes to recognizing each other. It takes Mercédès forever to realize the Count of Monte Cristo is Edmund Dantès. Olivia thinks that Sebastian is Cesario and proposes to him (i don't care if they're twins, they're obviously not identical being both girl and boy). And Lois Lane, that girl just can't put it all together can she? Clark Kent = Superman. Not such a hard concept.

Anyways, that's my rant for the day. cheers.

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