Tuesday, November 20

Goal #4

Anyone who knows me probably knows that I'm very goal oriented. Defining the next thing I want to accomplish keeps me focused. As my roommate will attest to, I keep this up by posting note cards above my bed, around my desk, with current goals in bright marker colors.

Right now they are:
  1. A's, A's, A's - I have to get A's in school. No exceptions this semester, I decided over the summer I'm too smart for a B.
  2. $XX,000 - a slightly more private goal, I already know my salary for next year. My mother thinks I'm crazy, but I know I'm that valuable. (hello there future employer!)
  3. Vocab! - I have an extremely limited vocabulary. I like to shovel this blame onto my parents because as a youth I never learned "fancy" words, my parents in turn blame the California public school system, for not inspiring their everyday lexicon. Every time I hear or read a word I don't know, I write it down and make a note card for it on my coat closet doors.
NEW GOAL #4: by November 20, 2008, I will have a speaking position lined up
at a SEM event.

I have lots of work to do to even make this feasible, first, I may want to start actually writing SEM related posts on a new site that doesn't mix my personal life in quite so much.

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